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Social Media Marketing

social media

Social media are a very valuable tool to generate more sales and interaction between the business and its customers. Currently, the information is very easy to share and lasts longer than with the old communication methods, all this makes digital marketing more what an option, a business necessity.

Marketing in social media should be an important part of your brand today. However, it is not enough to have a presence on social networks; rather, a strategy must be applied to obtain the desired results.

The evolution of marketing, in general, is due to new trends in social networks and the way in which other people can contribute their bit with each purchase, but it is not always the most convenient. And it is that in this revolution of possibilities it is easy to forget that for the users they mean places of coexistence, and it is difficult to accept direct sales in that environment.

That is why the strategies of the main brands are returning to providing friendly and valuable content that promotes the engagement of their followers, that is, the level of interaction that makes them choose their products when making a purchase decision.


When it comes to wanting to have an effective presence on social networks, you must have a strategy, without strategy you will not get anywhere. To have a good strategy there are several aspects to consider:

1) Define which social media you want to work with. If you are a B2B business, Facebook is the best option, how about Instagram and Twitter? There are several questions you should ask yourself before preparing your marketing strategy. One aspect to consider is whether your business is sales or service.

2) What audience do you want to reach? Men or women? With a defined audience, the strategy will have more potential and solvency over time since its direction will be key.

3) Necessary, what need are you covering with your product? With your purpose defined, the strategy can be more specific.

4) Metrics, when you build the strategy then you must obtain the correct statistics for your campaign to make the most of the networks. Knowing how many users commented, shared, or liked the published content is crucial to make better decisions based on real data. It is preferable that the content is related to the products of the brand, but that it is not sold directly; it is advisable to channel users to a website or catalog through links so that those interested can make their decision


Thanks to the fact that social networks facilitate interaction with consumers, it is now easier than ever to know what the satisfactions and complaints are about the products we offer.

Comments can be received through the platform’s mailbox or data can be collected through surveys, which are often accompanied by discounts or promotions to encourage the user to take a few minutes to express their opinion.

With the information obtained, companies receive a great opportunity to improve in all aspects, from the characteristics of their product to the sales mechanism.

Tips to improve your social networks and digital marketing
  1. Read the news

Once you’ve started posting, keep up with social trends. Do not lose sight of the TW trending topics section or stop paying attention to FB memes. Use this knowledge to communicate with users; Do not hesitate to generate content about the topic of the moment but remember that it should always be by your brand’s personality. Also, we recommend you keep an eye on the latest on Pinterest and Tumblr to show your users the latest news on topics such as art and fashion.

  1. Post frequently

One of the best ways to stay top of mind with your users is to regularly post interesting content. If you update your networks once a week, no one will remember you. The normal thing for a brand is to make between 4 and 6 publications a day, and if your comments include attractive and good-quality images, you have almost guaranteed success in terms of positioning.

  1. Get your followers to participate

Organize activations, create controversy, ask for opinions: anything that makes your users interact with your brand and with each other will attract more followers. Contests and exclusive promotions for networks help spread the word about your services and products, while the comments on your posts generate organic growth that can be converted into leads if you know how to take advantage of it.

  1. Offer more than commercials

Avoid succumbing to the temptation to advertise all the time. For an account to be attractive to users, it must offer much more than commercials; it must deliver valuable information, pleasant moments, and unique reflections. Position yourself as an expert in your area by talking about related topics, making recommendations, or sharing interesting external content for your audience. This is the best way to attract more followers, and the more of them you have, the more noise you will make with your brand.

Post and Share

We have already mentioned that by itself the blog or page will not attract curious visitors but will be the result of a search that will not always have our site at the forefront, so giving it that showcase it needs should be one of our priorities.

Through Facebook we can share a post about a new blog post, the new post, or any details that are already on our site but deserve to be mentioned, they are more likely to come to a new blog post from Facebook than from Google.

Sharing photos is another useful tool since this leads them to click on the image and if it attracts them, they also click on the link that will take them to our page. The secret is to use attractive photos that are related to what the business is.

Social media have become key pieces of any communication and sales strategy in eCommerce. Of course, getting the most out of them requires time and dedication and, above all, a good prior selection −it is not about being in all of them by default but choosing those that are most appropriate for our type of products and services−. But there is no doubt that they have managed to largely condition the success of electronic commerce. And that the best is yet to come.


If you need help building a good marketing strategy for social media, contact us.

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