target audience in marketing

Target Audience in Marketing

The target audience of consumers is one of the most crucial elements for a new business operator to consider in marketing. Without knowing your target market, or if an audience exists, you can’t realistically expect your business to survive.

When we create a marketing plan one of the main and most important questions is; Who will I direct it to? So, the target audience is essential and the more precise it is, the better. There are different ways to define an audience, but the main characteristics that are usually observed in potential users are: age, gender, geographical area, interests, etc.

Traffic was everything in marketing, one of the main mistakes is not finding out the target audience from the beginning. If you just create content and start marketing to anyone who wants traffic, you may not have the visibility you want. Correctly defining your audience will be key to the success of your advertising campaign.

Generally, your audience will not discover it from day 1, it is something that must be continually reviewed and improved.


We can define our audience:

  1. Demographic environment:

In this case the Sex variable, man, or woman? Maybe both.

  1. Sociocultural profile:

The economic level of our clients, their educational level, the languages they speak, and their customs or values. As an example, imagine that a company that makes veils for Muslim women advertises these veils in an advertising campaign where a woman in a bathing suit appears next to the veil. In this case, there would have been a lack of definition of their customs and values, so the campaign would fail.

  1. Digital profile of your client to know the user profile of our client:

That is, what social networks does he use? Are you active in these media? What is your browsing frequency? What keywords are you searching for for the product or service we offer? Resolving these issues is very important, especially when carrying out online advertising campaigns or simply to improve our positioning at the SEO level with respect to what the client is looking for.

All these elements help to create a good sales plan that makes an impact and that manages to present your products in an attractive way. The narrower the target, the more effective online marketing campaigns and advertising campaigns can be. Finding the target in marketing implies knowing the clients. Sometimes when the audience is not well-defined and the campaign is not directly focused, it does not address anyone.

After defining your audience, you will be able to refine your message. Create an argument or work on a suitable image for your advertising and define your complete marketing plan.

If you don’t care about understanding your customers, the rest of the efforts or parts of the campaign will not have the expected effect. Locating your audience allows you to know which channels to use to communicate with them. How to do it and what is the best way to encourage them to buy your products.

If you need help creating your online marketing campaigns and defining exactly who your target audience is and how to reach them, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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